Troubleshooting — RF
CCS Technical Documentation
Page 22
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Issue 1 02/2003
Power Level 0 in Table 1.
TN AMPS PL3 (or 4, 5, 6, or 7) Po
This procedure tunes power levels 3 through 7, all on the center channel. Power level 0
was tuned in the previous test. (Power levels 0, 1, and 2 are the same for this phone.)
The result is measured transmit power in dBm for power levels 3 through 7 on
channel 384.
Manual Verification: Use the same procedure as in previous tuning, but on channel 384.
Note that the limits are different from the previous tuning.
Troubleshooting: Troubleshoot the cell transmitter as described in the beginning of this
chapter, setting the AGCs as in Table 1 for the power level that failed.
TN PA Gain Cal PCS Po (0) [or (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5)]
This tuning characterizes the PCS PA gain curve, and the method is the same as the Cell
PA Gain Cal tuning described in TN PA Gain Cal Cell Po (0).
The result is the transmitted power in dBm for each of the six PA AGC PDM settings
(results labeled 0 through 5).
Manual Verification: This is the same as described
in TN PA Gain Cal Cell Po (0), except
the phone is set to transmit in PCS mode on channel 600. The transmit frequency is
1880 MHz.
Troubleshooting: Troubleshoot in the same manner as described in TN PA Gain Cal Cell Po
(0) for cell band, using the PCS band tables in the Probing/Troubleshooting Tables and
Diagrams section: Tables 1, 4, and 5.
TN TX IF 11 dBm Set PCS Po
See previous tuning. This is the part of the previous tuning when the TX IF AGC is
adjusted so that the output power is +11 dBm
The result is a power in dBm. A perfect result would be +11.00 dBm.
Manual Verification: See previous tuning.
Troubleshooting: See previous tuning.
TN TX RF AGC PCS Po (0) [or (1), or (2)]
This tuning characterizes the PCS TX_RF_AGC, and the method is the same as in the SN
Cell PA Temp section, except that the phone is set up to transmit in PCS mode on chan-
nel 600. The transmit frequency is 1880 MHz
The results are TX power readings in dBm of the transmitted signal corresponding to
PDM settings of the PCS TX RF AGC.