Troubleshooting — RF
CCS Technical Documentation
Page 18
Nokia Corporation Confidential
Issue 1 02/2003
Troubleshooting: Check Robin (N801) and supporting components. Also check D400,
which generates the PDM signals. Check AGC PDM voltages according to Tables 1 and 3.
Troubleshoot the rest of the transmitter chain if necessary as described in Table 2.
TN PA Gain Cal Cell Po (0) [or, (1), (2), (3), (4), or (5)]
These tunings model the cell PA gain curve by setting the PA AGC PDM to several values
and measuring output power. First, the TX PA AGC and the TX RF AGC are set to (approx-
imately) their maximum used values (not the maximum possible values, but the maxi-
mum of the range over which they are used). Then the TX IF AGC is set so that the
transmit power on the antenna connector is approxi11 dBm (this power is
reported in the next tuning). Then, six PDM values are written to the PA AGC and the
output power is measured for each. These values are reported in this tuning. The soft-
ware then performs curve fitting to interpolate between the measured data points.
The result is the transmitted power in dBm for each of the six PA AGC PDM settings
(results labeled 0 through 5).
Manual Verification:
Turn on the cell CDMA transmitter in Phoenix using the RF Main Mode window, and set
it to channel 384. Set modulation to IS95 voice.
Set the TX_IF_AGC PDM to 0 decimal.
Set the PA AGC PDM to +218 decimal.
Set the TX RF AGC PDM to –512 decimal.
Adjust the TX IF AGC PDM so that the transmitted tone at 836.52 MHz measures
+11 dBm +/- 0.5 dB on the antenna connector, using a spectrum analyzer (use 0 as a
starting point). Make a note of this value as it is needed in other Troubleshooting sec-
Write the PDM values listed below into the PA AGC and record the output power. Check
to see if the output power is within the ranges listed on the tuning result printout. (Lim-
its are not provided in this document as they may change.)
Acceptable range for
sum:[output power +- RF_AGC
gain delta] in dBm
check tuning results file for limits