2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Network services
To use the phone you must have service from a wireless service provider. Many
of the features in this device depend on features in the wireless network to
function. These network services may not be available on all networks or you
may have to make specific arrangements with your service provider before
you can utilize network services. Your service provider may need to give you
additional instructions for their use and explain what charges will apply.
Some networks may have limitations that affect how you can use network
services. For instance, some networks may not support all
language-dependent characters and services.
Your service provider may have requested that certain features be disabled or
not activated in your device. If so, they will not appear on your device menu.
Contact your service provider for more information.
Register your device
Make sure to register your device at
1-888-NOKIA-2U (1-888-665-4228) so that we can serve your needs better
if you should need to call the center or have your device repaired.
When you register your device, you can sign up for Nokia's e-newsletter Nokia
Connections if you would like. You will receive tips and tricks on using your
device, accessory information, and special offers.