2004 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Connecting your game deck to a computer
For further information on how to install the PC Suite for Nokia N-Gage, make
a connection to a compatible computer using Bluetooth connectivity, and use
the PC Suite for Nokia N-Gage QD, see the
Installation Guide for PC Suite
on the CD-ROM in the ‘Install’ section and the PC suite
Using the CD-ROM
The CD-ROM launches itself after you have inserted it into the CD-ROM drive
of your compatible PC. If not, proceed as follows: Open Windows Explorer,
right-click the CD-ROM drive, and select Autorun.
Many features of the game deck consume memory as they store data.
These features include games, contacts, messages, images and ringing tones,
calendar and to-do notes, documents, and downloaded applications. The
amount of free memory available depends on how much data is already saved
on the game deck memory.
You can use a memory card as extra storage space. Memory cards are
rewritable, so you can delete and save data on a memory card. If the game
deck memory is getting low, you can move different files to a memory card.
You cannot save any data on a game card as they are read-only. Game cards
contain data that cannot be overwritten.