Before downloading or accessing any Content, please check whether the Content which you wish to access is restricted by age
or marked as potentially ‘offensive’ or ‘explicit’. Nokia shall not be responsible for any claims or offence caused or suffered by
you accessing such Content.
You agree:
To use the Content only for your personal, non-commercial purposes;
To use the Content in accordance with the restrictions set out in the applicable laws, additional terms, guidelines and
policies or on the product pages that apply to that particular piece of the Content;
Not to, nor authorize anyone else, make copies, give, sell, resell, loan, rent, offer, broadcast, send, distribute, transfer,
communicate to the public, reproduce, modify, display, perform, commercially exploit or make the Content available
unless otherwise authorized in the applicable Terms. You agree to advise Nokia promptly of any such unauthorized use;
Not to attempt (or support others) to remove, circumvent, reverse engineer, decrypt, or otherwise alter or interfere with
any applicable usage rules or attempt to circumvent digital rights management or copy protection features associated
with the Content or any other technologies used to control the access to or use of the Content or any identifying
information associated with it;
Not to attempt (or support others) to use any automated systems or means, except for those provided by us, for the
selection or downloading of the Content;
Not to give out your password or allow other people to access the Content. The restrictions on copying that apply to
applicable media also apply to the Content accessed as part of this Service.
The Content is owned and/or controlled by Nokia and/or its respective licensors (“Rights Owners”), and are protected by
intellectual property laws. You agree that the Rights Owners are third-party beneficiaries under the Terms and have the right
to enforce the provisions that directly concern the Content in which they have rights.
7. Allegations of Copyright Infringement
You may notify Nokia of copyright infringement on the Service by providing notice (a) by email with “Copyright Notification”
in the subject line to [email protected], (b) by a document titled “Copyright Notification” mailed to Nokia, Attn:
Copyright Agent, 102 Corporate Park Drive, White Plains, NY 10604, USA or (c) via the online form, if available. Your notice must:
1. identify the original copyrighted work you claim is infringed;
2. identify the content on the Service that you claim is infringing the copyrighted work. Please provide enough detail for Nokia
to locate the allegedly infringing content on the Service;
3. provide your contact information, including your full name, mailing address, telephone number, and email address, if
4. provide a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the content in the manner complained of is not authorized
by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
5. provide this statement: "I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the information in this notification and complaint is accurate
and that I am the copyright owner, or am authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner of an exclusive right that is
infringed."; and
6. provide your signature, as applicable.
8. Notices
Nokia may post notices within the Service. Nokia may also send you notices about products and Services to the email address
or telephone number you have provided to us. You are deemed to have received such notices at the latest within seven (7) days
from Nokia sending or posting those. Your continued use of the Services constitutes your receipt of all notices regardless of
delivery method.
126 Product and safety information