Design Notes
Loquelic Iteritas has been in development for over two years. It was
started at the same time as Basimilus Iteritas but has taken much longer
to mature. Originally it was just a simple implementation based on
VOSIM but I soon realized I could pack a lot more punch in this form
factor and found two additional algorithms. Loquelic Iteritas was
designed to be a functional oscillator for sound designers as well as for
musicians. I wanted to maximize the possible sound space given the
input controls going from simple calm sounds to extreme, even broken,
sounds. e priority of tonal variance led to some sacri ces on the
musical side such as the total pitch range.
e algorithms used are quite simple and are intentionally le naive as
they oen include interesting rough spots. For example, PM mode has a
nasty half-sample-rate self oscillation under high modulation indexes
that, when combined with the irregular sample rate, produces
interesting, if quite harsh, results.
Noise Engineering
Loquelic Iteritas
Complex Digital Oscilator