Use and Maintenance Manual model “B10 V ULISSE”
The air intake is not necessary in case of installation
of hermetic appliances that take the air directly
from the outside. Check and respect the ventila-
tion requirements for simultaneous operations with
other combustion appliances and in the presence
of forced ventilation systems or hoods (please, see
section 6.4 of UNI 10683).
To avoid overheating, it is mandatory to let the air
circulate inside the structure of the chimney which
covers the whole insert with one or more openings in
both the lower and upper part of the covering.
Please, observe the following:
- the cold-air inlet on the lower part, which introdu-
ces fresh air from the environment, must have a total
surface area of at least 500 cm².
- the natural-convection hot-air outlet on the upper
part must have a total minimum surface area of at
least 450 cm².
Hot-air OUTLET
min. 450 cm
Cold-air INLET
min. 500 cm
air intake
min. 100 cm
When installing the product, the position must be
chosen according to the environment, the discharge
and the chimney flue. Check with your local au
thority whether there are more restrictive provisions
regarding the combustion air intake and the smoke
discharge system, including the chimney flue and
chimney pot.
The manufacturer cannot be held in any way liable
in the event of installation non-compliant with current
legislation, of incorrect air exchange in the premises,
or electrical connection non-conforming with
standards and/or inappropriate use of the appliance.
Installation must be carried out by a qualified
technician who will provide the purchaser with a
Declaration of Conformity for the system and will
assume complete responsibility for final installation
and resulting good operation of the product.
In particular, he should ascertain the following:
• that there is an adequate combustion air intake
and good smoke discharge compliant with the type
of product installed;
• other stoves or devices installed do not cause
negative pressure in the room where the product is
installed (only for hermetic appliances, a maximum
of 15 Pa depression in the surroundings is permitted);
• when the product is on, there is no smoke back
draught in the environment;
• smoke evacuation is implement in total safety (di
mensioning, smoke seal, distances from flammable
Once the position where to install the product is
decided, you need to pay attention to the following:
• if the floor is made of combustible material, you
should use protection in suitable material (steel,
glass...), also to protect the front part from any
burning fuel which may fall while during cleaning:
• the floor guarantees adequate load capacity.
if the existing building does not meet the aforemen-
tioned requirements, you should take appropriate
measures (for example a load distribution plate).
The installation premises of non-hermetic appliances
must be sufficiently ventilated with specific openings,
with particular attention to the position (they must
NEVER be blocked), which allow for air reintegration in
the environment.
Air must be drawn directly from the outside (not from
other rooms, garage, etc.) and must have a net useful
section equal or higher than 80 cm
for pellet stoves
and thermostoves (EN 14785) and 100 cm
for boilers
(EN 303-5).
When installing and using the the product, all local,
national legislation and European standards must
be met.