3. Connect to wall or facade
When connecting a boxwall to a wall or a facade the connection need to be sealed, and this
is preferrably done by using a plastic liner. A such can be ordered as an accessory to the box-
wall. The plastic sheet is attached up against the facade, and to the boxwall. Make sure that
the liner protrudes somewhat in front of the boxwall and fix it to the ground. If the liner is thin
enough it will adapt to irregularities in the ground and in the facade as the water rises and
the water pressure increases.
4. Pump away leaking water
When using mobile flood barriers you always need one or more pumps to pump away the
water that will collect on the intended dry side of the barrier. A certain leakage will always
occur, through the barrier, under the barrier and also through the ground itself. Upon this
comes rain water that runs down towards the barrier but cannot reach the river or the lake
as the barrier itself blocks the way. If the ground is level or if it slopes towards the flood, this
water must be pumped clear with a pump. If the ground slopes away from the flood (e.g. on
the crown of permanent embankments), the water will run away without the need for pumps.
Having a working pump in place is extra important if the space between the barrier and the pro-
tected object is small, for example when using a short boxwall in front of an entrance. Without
a pump even a small leakage may lead to fast rising water levels on the dry side.
Be aware of any surface water drains or manholes and try to lay the boxwall behind such.
If there is a risk that culverts might lead the flood water under the wall and into the protected
area, these channels must be plugged or blocked.
5. Combine BW102 och BW52
The two boxwall models BW52 and BW102 can be combined. They are quite simply placed
side by side and the connection is covered with a piece of liner to avoid leakage.
6. Combine Boxwall and Tubewall
NOAQ Boxwall can be combined with a NOAQ Tubewall. The walls are laid so that they
overlap by a metre or so, ideally with the tubewall closest to the flood and the boxwall
beneath and behind the tubewall. One or a pair of the tubewall’s joint covers are used to
form a seal between the two wall sections.
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NOAQ BW102 1.0 201201