into paper feed system, otherwise it will be grievously hurt.
Please start shredding after all the security devices is checked normally
Please inspect as all the following points. Eliminate the error first before using the machine
1.4.1 Inspection List
Please inspecting all the following points before using the machine
1. Inspecting “emergency stop” switch on paper
feeding table
When you press down “emergency stop”
please shut down the machine immediately, then the
“on” light will be off.
When the “emergency stop” switch is locked.
Please don’t start the machine. The “on” light will be
on after release the “emergency stop” switch.
2. Inspecting the top cover of delivery belt.
When the top cover open, machine stop
immediately. ”security top cover open” light is
on. When the top cover open, please don’t start
the machine. ”security top cover open “light is
off after closing the top cover.
3. Inspecting the security switch of shred box
The machine will stop immediately, when you
take out the shred box. ”security top cover open”
light is on. Please do not start the machine, when
you are taking out the shred box. The “security
top cover open” light will be off after you
reinsert the shred box.