Know Your Machine
Service Manual – Advenger, 2800ST, 3800ST, BR 755, BR 855
As you read this manual, you will occasionally run across a bold number in parentheses – example: (2). A bold number refers to an item
shown on the Know Your Machine pages unless otherwise noted (bold letters refer to items on the same page). Refer back to the Know
Your Machine pages whenever necessary to pinpoint the location of an item mentioned in the text.
Basic Machine Operation
(refer to Operator Manuals such as 56041735 / 56041743 (English) for detailed information regarding how to operate the machine)
1 Turn on the key to turn on the graphical display showing battery condition, hour meter, solution tank level and AXP/EDS dilution ratio if
so equipped.
ADVENGER / BR 755, 855:
Pressing the red SCRUB ON / OFF button once will enable regular scrub mode. The deck and rear
squeegee will be lowered to the floor.
Manually lower the scrub deck and squeegee using levers (14) and (22).
2 Depress the foot pedal forward to begin scrubbing. The brushes, water and vacuum will turn on.
3 When the machine stops the brushes and water will stop. The vacuum will continue to run for 10 seconds and then stop.
4 At any time the scrub mode can be changed to regular, heavy or extreme scrub by using the SCRUB + or SCRUB - button.
5 At any time the solution flow rate can be changed by using the SOLUTION + or SOLUTION - button.
6 If the scrub mode and solution flow rate are at different positions they can be reset or aligned using two methods.
A Use the SO or SOLUTION - buttons to change the solution flow rate to match the scrub mode setting.
B Change the scrub mode using the SCRUB + or SCRUB - buttons. The scrub pressure and solution flow will automatically be
aligned for optimized results.
7 To stop all scrubbing functions and transport the machine, (ADVENGER / BR 755, 855) press the red SCRUB ON / OFF button or
[(ST) return the scrub deck and squeegee control levers to the up position]. The solution and brushes will stop, [(ADVENGER / BR
755, 855) the deck and squeegee will raise], and the vacuum will shut off after a 10 second delay.