Coupling Lever Lock/Release Operation
The camera’s Photomic finder is fitted with a meter Cou-
pling lever that provides for coupling between the finder’s
metering circuit and the lens’ meter coupling ridge. When
the camera body is used with lenses offering automatic maxi-
mum aperture indexing, the lever remains in the normal po-
sition. However, when the camera body is used with lenses
andior accessories not provided with this feature, the lever
must be locked up to permit exposure measurement via the
stop-down method. To lock up the lever prior to mounting
the lens, simply push upward and to the right until the lever
clicks and locks into position. To release the lever for opera-
tion with a lens or accessory capable of automatic maximum
aperture indexing, simply slide the coupling lever release (lo-
cated just above the lever) to the right until the lever returns
to its normal lowered position; then, mount the lens as ex-
plained previously.