Loading the Film
Fold out the O/C key at the baseplate of the camera and turn
it counterclockwise 180
until the arrow points to the “O”
(open) mark and the camera back pops open. Pull up the re-
wind knob as far as it will go, and drop a standard film car-
tridge or a special Nikon reloadable cassette into the left-
hand film chamber with the film leader aligned along the
film guide rails.
After positioning the cartridge and film leader properly, push
the rewind knob down to hold the cartridge in place and in-
sert the end of the film leader into any of the slots in the film
take-up spool. If necessary, release the shutter and, then, stroke
the film-advance lever slowly to make sure that the leader
winds smoothly on the spool and that the film edge perfora-
tions engage with the film sprocket roller. When satisfied that
the film is properly feeding and is traveling correctly along
the film guide rails, close the camera back and return the O/C
key to its normal storage position. (Also, see “Tips on Cam-
era Care” on page 36.)