Taking Photographs for Printing
When taking photographs that are to be reproduced on a personal color printer, two factors need to
be kept in mind: image size and contrast.
Image size (
140) determines the maximum size at which the image can be printed. If the print size
is too large, the individual pixels will be visible to the naked eye, giving the image a rough, uneven
appearance. A typical target resolution for an ink-jet printer is about 200 pixels per inch. At this
resolution, a VGA photograph will be output at a size of 3.2
2.4 inches (8.1
6.1 cm), a full-size image
at a size of about 10.2
7.7 inches (26.0
19.5 cm).
The second consideration is contrast. You may find that the colors in the images produced by your
printer are indistinct, or “muddy,” as compared to the photograph viewed on the camera monitor. In
this case, you can try raising contrast by setting the camera to P, A, M, or CSM and using an IMAGE
ADJUSTMENT setting of
More Contrast
when taking photographs destined for output on a color
printer (