Getting the Most from Digital Images: Your Camera and Your Computer (
As the name would indicate, digital cameras produce digital images. As digital data, digital images can be
readily copied to a computer, where they can then be stored, viewed or edited using imaging software,
sent to your acquaintances via e-mail, or saved to removable media (for example, a floppy or Zip disk)
for delivery to a photofinisher.
There are two ways to copy data to your computer from the COOLPIX 880:
Direct USB or serial connection using Nikon View software
If you have Nikon View installed on your computer, you can connect your camera to the computer
using the UC-E1 Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable included with your camera. Optional serial cables
(the SC-EW3 for PC computers and SC-EM3 for Macintosh computers) are also available.