ID3 Tag Validator Application User Manual
Release 1.8 Revision F
Nielsen Confidential
Possible Causes of Failure
The corresponding messages in the log file indicate occurrences of tag format errors with
a code of -51, -30, or -3, as shown below; the messages provide insight into the cause of
the errors.
-51: Corrupted tag (slash error): Sequence number xx, tag time xx.
-51: Corrupted tag (checksum error): Sequence number xx, tag time
-51: Tag error: Error decoding ID3 tag.
-51: Tag Error: Detected corrupted, partial, or non-Nielsen tag.
-51: Tag error: Separators missing.
-3: Emsg Error: Missing private-data byte at end of frame.
-30: Emsg Error: Missing ID3 Tag headers. Reported up to 5 times
Test 3 Result: Sequence Number Test
<number of sequence-number errors / 0 /
maximum tolerated>
Number of Errors
Number of errors detected
Not used
Maximum Tolerated
Maximum number of errors tolerated before failure is declared
The sequence-number check indicates the number of times that Validator detected a
sequence number was out of order. For example, if Validator detected that tag 102
followed tag 100, Validator reports a sequence number error because tag 101 was
Note that INFO tags sometimes occur out of order, especially at the beginning of the
stream. As long as INFO tags are present in the stream, it is acceptable for INFO tags to
fall slightly out of order. Ignore any sequence-number test failures that result from out-of-
order INFO tags.
The example below Validator found four missing sequence numbers. The test passed
because Validator allows up to six errors.
ID3 Tag: Sequence Number Test: Pass <4/0/6>
Possible Causes of Failure
The corresponding messages in the log file indicate occurrences of missing sequence
numbers with a code of -52 as shown below:
-52: Seqno Error, No Time Gap: Sequence number xx, tag time xx.