D. CleanInG anD DIsasseMblY
Turn broiler off and disconnect the power supply to the broiler before cleaning or servicing. If this broiler is
connected using a restraint, and disconnection of the restraint is necessary for cleaning or moving the broiler,
the restraint must be reconnected after the broiler has been returned to its originally installed position. allow to
cool for 30 minutes prior to cleaning/disassembly. leave the ventilation system on during cooling. Use only
approved cleaning, degreasing and sanitizing solutions.
all PaRTs aRe CleaneD on a DaIlY basIs Unless oTHeRWIse noTeD
follow the steps for proper disassembly. Reverse the order for reassembly.
follow the Disassembly and
Reassembly steps to ensure proper
operation of the broiler. failure to
do so may result in operational
bRoIleR PaRTs aRe HoT. Do
noT aTTeMPT To DIsasseMble
THe bRoIleR UnTIl IT Is fUllY
Cool. faIlURe To folloW THIs
seVeRe InJURY.
leaVe THe VenTIlaTIon HooD
on DURInG CoolInG. faIlURe
To Do so CoUlD Pose a fIRe
safeTY HaZaRD.
Nieco Corporation - Model JF91E
How to read the cleaning section
The location of the part.
When to clean the part.
Picture of the part to be
removed and cleaned.
How to remove and
clean the parts.
The tools needed
to clean the part
The name of the part to be cleaned.