Document Number:
S.r.l .
Sede Legale: Via Varese, 90
Società a socio unico
I - 21013 Gallarate (VA)
Telefono: +39 0331 755111
Fax: +39 0331 784513
Codice Fiscale e R.I. Varese 08930800159
Capitale Sociale Euro 8.287.000
Partita IVA IT 01982420125
REA N. 221925 - Varese
Flap motor
Flap will be positioned according to the remote controller settings.
If Auto Swing or Full Swing option is selected, flap will be moved with a lower speed in order to better
distribute the air in the room.
If Auto Swing is selected:
In cooling or dry mode, the flap will address the air to the upper part of the room
In heating, the flap will address the air to the lower part of the room
Air ionizer
Air ionizer is activated or deactivated according to the remote controller setting.