N560 series H/W Installation Guide
NexComm Systems, Inc. 19 PAGE
Configuring N560 series through Console
As described in section 3.5, user may plug the console cable into both PC and the equipment.
Configure the communication settings of the PC’s terminal program, as below.
If a user powers the equipment on, and if the console connection is correct, user may see booting
messages through the terminal program. After the booting process, “Enter password” message will
pop up. (If the booting process of the equipment is finished before console connection, user may miss
the boot messages. In this case, simply input
key into the terminal program and user may be
able to see “Enter password” message)
User may type the password to log into the system. (Password is preliminarily set as “password”; user
may change the password - refer to the CLI manual)
User may configure the system with the instruction set provided in the CLI manual.
: This
H/W install guide
includes 2BASE-TL port connection and verifying its function.
Therefore, some basic 2BASE-TL port setting commands is provided here:
Operation on N560 series
Command input
Setting N560 series as CO mode
set devicetype co
Setting N560 series as RT mode
set devicetype rt
Setting N560 series as PME binding mode
set devicemode binding
Setting N560 series as Dual Interface Over DSL mode
set devicemode separate
Restarting N560 series as the changed mode
restart pme all
< Table 5-1 > Configuring Mode of 2BASE-TL Port
To apply the change in the mode, you should input the last command, “restart pme all”. Due to this
command, the PMEs will sync with the renewed configuration.
Baud rate: 38400 bps
Data bit: 8
No parity
1 stop bit
Hardware flow control set to off