N560 series H/W Installation Guide
NexComm Systems, Inc. 17 PAGE
To connect Lines to 2BASE-TL port in the equipment, four pairs of regular telephone lines preinstalled
for the G.SHDSL.bis connection have to be clipped with a RJ-45 jack. Note that each pair of lines
must be plugged in the correct combination of pins of RJ-45 jack (refer to Figure 2-4 ).
Connect the assembled RJ-45 connector to the port named "2BASE-TL" on the front panel of the
2BASE-TL Synchronization
When two devices with 2BASE-TL port is configured as CO and RT (to configure the mode of 2BASE-
TL PME, user may use the console port – refer to section 5), respectively, and connected with copper-pair
line, they will go through a synchronization for a couple of minutes at most (at least, about a half minute;
time taken for sync depends on the state of the line). The state of trying sync is called TRAINING, and the
LED of the PME in this state may blink. If the devices synchronized successfully, the PME-number-
tagged LEDs may be constantly turned ON.
Connecting Console Port
< Figure 3-6 > Console Cable Connected to N560 series
To configure the N560 series, the simplest way is to use a console connection between the equipment and
PC. As described in section 2.2, console cable has a DB-9 female connector which will be connected to
the PC and a RJ-45 male connector which will be plugged in the equipment. In this section, only the cable
plugging step is described. To log into the system, user may refer to section 5.
Connect the RJ-45 jack of the console cable to the port named "CONSOLE" on the front panel of the
Connect the DB-9 female, the other end of the console cable, to the COM port of the PC.