LBP2 User Guide
Document No: 50306-001
Rev G 3/12/2020
Page 74
Knife Edge 10/90
Total Energy Clip
Knife Edge Prog
Total Energy Clip
% Energy
Total Energy Clip
% Peak
Peak Clip
Moving Slit
Total Power/Energy
Total P/E
The cameras used with LBP2 are not calibrated to directly provide the power/energy
of a laser beam. The Computations Power/Energy panel allows the user to
calibrate to the power/energy of the laser using an external measuring device. The
value entered must be the total power/energy of the beam for the frame currently
displayed. For accurate results, the beam must fit inside of the current ROI.
If a calibrated value of zero or a units setting of counts (cnts) is displayed, then all
power/energy related results will be displayed as processed digitizer values. Any entry
other than zero will immediately translate to the power/energy results items. The
Units entry determines the energy units that appear to the right of various energy
displays (i.e., W, J, mw/cm², etc.).
When using a Manual Aperture (without an Auto Aperture), the Total Power/Energy is
the amount of power/energy inside the Manual Aperture.
When using an Auto Aperture (with or without a Manual Aperture), the Total
Power/Energy is the amount of power/energy inside the Auto Aperture.
Thus: An Auto Aperture takes precedence over a Manual Aperture.
Peak and Min
Peak, Min
These are the Peak and Minimum power/energy density values in the displayed frame,
or within the Manual or Auto Aperture if present. The Minimum value will most often
be negative, and is therefore not meaningful except as an indication of the amount of
noise or baseline drift present in the video data.
An Auto Aperture takes precedence over a Manual Aperture.
Peak Location
Peak Loc X, Peak Loc Y
This is the first location where the peak intensity value was found. The Peak Location
is found by scanning the pixel data from left to right, and top to bottom. If a Manual
or Auto Aperture is present, then the scanning is confined to the pixels inside the
An Auto Aperture takes precedence over a Manual Aperture.