3. Slide the preassembled clamping ring onto the motor shaft.
4. Insert the motor shaft into the motor supporting drum with the
clamping ring below the drum, as shown.
5. Slide the preassembled steering triangle onto the motor shaft
above the drum, as shown.
6. Make sure the steering triangle is aligned with the direction of the
motor. If the triangle is an arrow, it should point towards the front
of the boat, while the propeller should face back.
7. Tighten the screws on the clamping ring and the steering triangle.
In this setup, the steering triangle determines the depth of the motor.
Make sure the propeller can be at least 2 inches (5 cm) below the
water surface.
Motor supporting drum
Clamping ring
Motor shaft
Steering triangle
Swing arm
Direction cords at the top