It is critical that the AGS system be turned off any time the generator is going to be serviced. Failure to
deactivate the AGS system may result in damage, injury, or death if the Genset should start unexpectedly.
Also, if the AGS system is set and the generator is turned off at any switch, it will clear the AGS settings.
Gas Generators
The generator in your coach
runs on the same fuel as your
main engine. The fuel is drawn through a separate supply
tube that is positioned in the tank in a manner that will not
allow the generator to draw fuel and run if the tank level
below the ¼ level.
For More Information
Refer to the product manufacturer's owner's manual and links to learn more about your coach's generator.
Diesel Generators
The generator in your coach
runs on the same diesel fuel as
your main engine. The diesel fuel is drawn through a
separate supply tube that is positioned in the tank in a
manner that will not allow the generator to draw fuel and run
if the tank level dips below the ¼ level.
Depending on the ambient temperatures, the generator may
prior to cranking. This pre-heat condition is noted
flashing the light on the generator start switch until the
is complete (up to 15 seconds). Once it has pre-heated
sufficiently, the starter will engage and the engine
will start.
Inverters and Converters
The inverter modifies
direct current to alternating current to provide power to specified
appliances and entertainment
The inverter performs this action by using a transformer to increase the voltage and modify the higher voltage
into a useable alternating current power. For this function to occur, the inverter must be powered, set up,
and turned on.
variety of inverters are used by Newmar; however,
most have a control panel located in the overhead cabinet near the
battery disconnect.
Inverter/Converter Combination Units
The inverter/ converter combination
provides battery charging and allows the 120 volt
power from shore power or the
to pass through the inverter. The inverter performs this charging
by using the transformer to
the voltage and rectify
the alternating current into useable direct current voltage. This is
regulated by internal-sensing
circuitry based upon the battery bank’s state of charge and several other factors, depending on the coach's
inverter brand and type. This type of unit also performs the
inverter function.
For this function to occur, the
inverter must
be powered, setup and turned on. A
variety of combination units
are used by Newmar; however, most
have a control
panel located in the overhead cabinet near the battery disconnect.
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