2. Inspect the vehicle. Do not accept delivery until you have gone through the coach with the dealer. Newmar has
provided a check list to be used during retail delivery. Check each item on the list, and make sure the dealer does
the same. Do not sign this checklist until you have done checked off each item.
The sales literature versus actual specifics to the vehicle’s measurements, weights, or quantities may vary.
3. Ask questions about anything that you do not understand concerning your recreational vehicle.
4. Responsible Use. Your vehicle is designed to be used for recreational or temporary living purposes. It is not
designed to be used as a full-time residence or for commercial use. Commercial use means using as a business
asset, such as a mobile office or using the vehicle for lease/rental purposes.
Dealer Responsibilities
1. A pre-delivery inspection and systems check: thoroughly inspecting the vehicle and the operation of the factory
installed components.
2. A customer walk-through to familiarize the customer with the vehicle, its systems and components, and their
3. Delivery of the Owner’s Information Package. This package contains the warranty cards and registrations for the
vehicle and factory- installed components that carry a separate warranty. The detailed operating and maintenance
instructions on these components are also included in this package.
4. Assisting the customer in completing the component registration forms, at the customer’s request. To avoid loss of
warranty coverage, the dealer should review the limited warranty provisions with the customer, stressing the importance
of filing warranty cards and registrations to the component manufacturers within the prescribed time limit.
5. Providing the customer with information regarding warranty and non-warranty work on the vehicle, as well as its
separately warranted components, whether the customer is in or out of the area.
© 2016 Copyright Newmar Corporation. All rights reserved. For the most up-to-date version of this content, and for more product-specific information, please refer to Newgle.