Do not plug the relief valve under any circumstances.
Water Heater By-Pass System
The water heater by-pass valve is located near the water heater. By closing the water heater supply valve and opening
the by-pass valve, you can divert water away from the water heater. Using the by-pass while
winterizing your unit will
keep antifreeze out of the water heater. Draining the water heater during winterizing is required.
Water Heater Storage
When storing your coach for the winter months, the water heater must be drained to prevent damage from freezing.
1. Turn off all electrical power and the propane supply to the water heater.
2. Turn off the water pump.
3. Open both the hot and cold water faucets to relieve the pressure in the lines and water heater.
4. Open the drain on the water heater (if equipped), or remove the drain plug or anode rod.
5. Drain the entire water system and follow the winterization instructions provided in Newgle.
When preparing the coach for use after it has been stored, make certain the water system, including the water heater,
has been filled before restoring electric and the propane supply.
For More Information
Refer to the product manufacturer's owner's manual and links to learn more about your coach's water heater.
Water Pumps
The water pump is self-priming and totally automatic, operating on demand whenever water is required.
The water
pump is used to pressurize the fresh water system when the unit is not connected to city water. When the water pump
switch is turned on, the water pump will build pressure in the system, and will shut off as soon as the system is correctly
pressurized. When a faucet is opened, the pump will turn on and operate as necessary to maintain the preset pressure
in the system.
These brief operation instructions are for quick reference only. Any quick start instructions provided should
not take the place of the complete Operation Manual provided by this item's manufacturer.
Operating Instructions
1. Fill or partially fill the fresh water supply tank.
2. Open the kitchen and bathroom faucets.
3. Turn the water pump switch on and allow the water to fill the water line and the hot water heater. The switch to
this pump may be located in the bathroom.
4. Close each faucet after it delivers a steady stream of water (close the cold water first). Leave the hot water
faucets on until they also deliver a steady stream of water. This will ensure that the water heater is filled with water.
5. The water pump should stop running once all faucets are closed.
6. The pump is now ready for automatic operation. The pump will run when a faucet is opened and stop when a
faucet is closed.
Never allow the pump to run for long periods of time without water in the supply tank, as pump damage or
blown fuses may result.
© 2016 Copyright Newmar Corporation. All rights reserved. For the most up-to-date version of this content, and for more product-specific information, please refer to Newgle.