Next, disconnect the freshwater hose and close the gate valve. If there are any solids still left inside the tank, fill the
sewage tank with approximately ten gallons of water through the stool. As you travel, the agitation of the water should
help liquefy any solids left in the tank. You can dump the sewage tank again at your next destination.
Always drain the sewage tank prior to rinsing. Never rinse a sewage tank that is full. The sewage drain must be
open while rinsing the sewage tank, and the drain hose must be positioned to drain into an approved sewage
dump station. Failure to open the valve will cause the sewage tank to fill with water, and can cause damage to
your plumbing and interior.
Do not use the same hose for the No Fuss Flush that is used for filling the fresh water tank. The gate valve to
the sewage tank must be in the OPEN position while rinsing with the No Fuss Flush system.
Each of the sink drains, the shower drain, and the washing
machine drain (if equipped) has a water trap to prevent
holding tank odors from entering the coach. These traps
must have water in them in order to trap the odors. While
traveling, the water may splash out of the sink and shower
drains. While stored, the water may evaporate, allowing an
odor to enter the coach. If this occurs, run water from the
faucet into the drain, allowing water to fill the trap. Some
coach models with a rear shower may have waterless traps
in lieu of conventional p-traps
If standing water occurs in your shower, do not attempt to unplug or open the drain with a coat hanger or a
sewer snake. Before taking your coach to a service center, try leveling your coach so that the rear is raised
slightly higher than the front. This may correct the condition and prevent drain-cleaning or a service repair.
Camping with Sewer Hook-Up
When camping at parks with sewer hook-up, it is important to keep the black water holding tank gate valve closed at all
times, except when dumping. The gray tank can be kept open while hooked to a sewer connection, but the black water
tank must be kept closed. This is done so that an ample supply of liquid remains in the tank to provide a smooth flow
through the gate and drain valve when dumping. Sufficient liquid in the tank causes a swirling action that should take
any accumulated solid wastes with it. Accumulation of solid wastes in the black water tank can be avoided by keeping
the gate valve closed when connected to the sewer hook-up. If the valve is left open, solid wastes may accumulate in
the tank. This may eventually result in costly repairs.
For More Information
Refer to the product manufacturer's owner's manual and links to learn more about your coach's waste water system.
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