Page 24
The Usage of PT 800
The Setting of System
How to use entry
We make a demo of entry in the item of Network Name at the page of Network Setting. Enter the page of
Network Setting. Make a selection for Network Type to be
, move the cursor to Network Name,
and press the key
to choose the item.
At this time to press Switch key to bring the editing bar. Press Switch key to choose capitalization or small
for Letter. Press Function key to switch Letter, Symbol, Chinese, and Number. An entry demo of
is shown below:
When to enter Letter, a key corresponds to multi-letter, the first press corresponding to the first letter, and so
on. And when to enter the corresponding letter with the same key, reenter the next letter after the former letter
has already appeared in the entry bar. To enter corresponding letter with different key, it is able to enter the
next letter after the entry.
Step 1
Press Switch, in the state of capitalization letter. Press key 7, to enter A with an entry, and to enter B
with twice entry after the A has been shown in the entry bar. Press key 1 to enter S with an entry.
When to input Symbol, a key corresponding to a symbol, press up and down keys to turn over pages.
Step 2
Press function key to input in the status of Symbol, press key3 to input! press key down, and press 2
to input @.
As to enter Chinese, the order for the related key is same to that of a Chinese pinyin. Press key
and to press the corresponding number key for this Chinese, then the Chinese entered appears.
Step 3
Press Function key, in the state of Chinese to enter, press key 2, 9, and 5 in order. Press key
, and press the key 0 to enter
When to enter Number, a key related to a number.
Step 4
Press Function key, in the state of Number to enter, press key 5 to enter 5.