The GPI output can also be in one of two states. The GPI output is a catch all
GPI output. If one or more alarms are active in the system, the GPI output will
be active, whereas if all alarms are either acknowledged, restored or there are
no alarms in the system, it will be inactive.
The CONFIG screen of the GYDA System Controller has settings for how
GYDA shall work.
Search for new cards
Useful if the system configuration changes frequently.
This setting means that all 79 possible addresses are polled each time in
order to search for new modules.
Collect info from known cards
Default setting, this setting is useful if the system doesn't change
This setting will poll the status of known cards and one new empty slot at
a time. New cards will be detected at a rate determined by the number of
cards in the system, the more empty slots the longer it will take to detect
new modules. On the other hand, all cards are now polled once per
second so changes on the known modules will be reported much faster
than before.
Single scan of empty slots
Will scan all empty slots for new modules. Setting is only available when
the 'Collect info from known cards' is chosen. Useful to speed up the
detection of new modules. Will not affect the scanning mode of GYDA.
Home tab
Generic webserver for static html can now be enabled from the CONFIG
page, under "General setup". This will change the graphics on the tab-menu
(might need a forced reload of the browser to see it properly). This homepage
can also be set as start page if this is needed.
Figure 13. Home tab configuration
Figure 14. Home tab enabled
The static pages can be put on the CF (Compact flash) card in the directory
called "home". To access the “home” directory, you need to remove the
flashcard from the GYDA module and put into a PCMCIA/USB adapter for CF.
The file structure of the CF is shown in figure 15.
Make sure that you don’t modify files outside the “home”
directory; this may STOP GYDA from working