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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
to achieve a persistent plume which remains present for a minimum of 5 seconds across a
good portion of the field of view of the detector being tested.
On completion of the smoke discharge allow sufficient time for the smoke to rise and
disperse, which will vary depending on the environment.
Once sufficient smoke has been deployed to constitute pluming smoke over the whole risk
area and has cleared at least in part, note the time on your chart or form as smoke test end
time for the relevant detector.
Proceed to the next detector view. If near to any others already smoke tested ensure there
is no lingering smoke from previous tests. At the start of the test there should be no smoke
present. Perform the test as with the previous detector view noting start and end times.
Follow the below steps to protect the footage on each FireVu detector or the Annunciator if
that is doing the recording and then repeat the process above for the set of detectors and
so on.
Protecting the Smoke Test Footage
This is an essential stage and MUST be performed as soon as the smoke tests are complete.
This is done from the FireVu Equipment's web-pages as follows:
Open a suitable web-browser, (e.g. Mozilla Firefox®).
Enter the IP address of FireVu detector.
From the menu structure select “Configuration”, “ICR Settings” and “Protect Video”.
For each smoke tested detector in turn, enter the time periods as noted on your chart or
form giving the date, start and end time. Always add 60 seconds to the start and end time
to get a “run
in” and “run
out” of footage before the smoke test begins and at its end. If
working on an Annunciator and the smoke tests are consecutive with no gaps you can
protect the entire time as one block.
In the entry box labelled “Protect period from start date (days)” enter 999999.