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Title FireVu Detector Standalone Installation Manual
NetVu Ltd.
No 1 Thellow Heath Park, Northwich Road, Northwich, Cheshire. CW9 6JB
Means of generating smoke for test, plumber’s pellets or a smoke machine,
or both. The
choice of which will depend on the size, airflow within and availability of an electric mains
power supply, at the area viewed by the detector.
Accurate portable time-piece, (e.g. a wristwatch).
Portable chart or form and pen for noting test start and end times whilst on site performing
the tests.
FireVu Equipment Preparation
Ensure the FireVu equipment is powered up, running the appropriate validated release of
software, and that the detector(s) are also powered, properly and appropriately positioned
in accordance with any existing screen shots and site assessment information. This must
have been completed, assessed and approved prior to any commissioning visit.
Ensure that the time and date information as displayed in the web-pages are correct.
Ensure your portable time piece and the FireVu equipment are synchronised.
Configuring FireVu Equipment for Test
The smoke tests MUST be kept so that they are performed only once and can then be
reused for future evaluation
and configuring of the FireVu detector’s settings. This is essential, due
to the disruption caused by, and resource required in, performing the tests.
The FireVu equipment’s record settings must be set to a suitable level for the smoke test
footage to be of optimum use. These settings may differ from those required on a
continuing basis by the client and so MUST be set as detailed below before performing the
smoke test. Subsequently, once the test is complete and the footage is protected, these
can be set as needed.
This is performed by following these steps:
Open a suitable web-browser, (e.g. Mozilla Firefox®).
Enter the IP address of each FireVu detector, or the Annunciator if this is also recording.
From the menu structure select “ Configuration ” then “ Image Profiles ” then “ Profile
Setup ”.
For SMOKE testing Set up as follows, (also shown in the below screen-shot):
2000 kbps