NetPing server room environmental monitoring solutions and IP power distribution units.
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Enable Control of Relay — the activation of the relay control.If the checkbox is not installed, the relay will not be controlled from the
the checkbox is not installed.
In Default:
Polling the Address A, B, C - a set of checkboxes that allow you to set the addresses participating in the poll individually.
: checkboxes
In default
are not installed.
Address A
B, C
) —
is an entry field to view or change polling addresses. It is acceptable to indicate either IP-address or a domain name. It is
possible to configure up to three addresses. An empty field disables polling.
: address is not specified.
n default
Reset Counter (cleared on firmware reboot)
is an informational field that shows how many times a channel was rebooted as a result of the
actions of the module «
». A counter does not take into account the number of reboots in the «manual mode». A counter is
cleared when a NetPing device is de-energized.
Ping Polling Period, s (10 300)
— is a field for setting the time interval after which repeated ICMP Echo (ping) is sent to the specified IP
addresses after receiving a response from them.
: 15 sec.
In Default
Ping Timeout, ms (600–9000) — is a field for setting a timeout before the repetion of ICMP Echo (ping) . The value should not exceed the usual
time of the response to the ICMP Echo (ping) for this network with some reserve to ensure avoiding false positives of the module «Watchdog
: 1000 ms.
n default
Max Ping Repeats After Timeout -is a field for setting a maximum number of attempts to get a response to «ping». If a number of attempts is over,
an IP address is considered «silent». It is desirable that the ping polling period exceeds the ping timeout multiplied by the maximum number of
attempts. If this condition is not fulfilled, then a new polling cycle will be postponed until the specified number of attempts is over.
In Default:
— is a field for setting the time needed for a connected to the power supply device is deenergized to initiate reset and
Reset Duration, s (12 900)
reboot. I
: 12 s.
If no checkbox is installed or IP addresses are not set for installed checkboxes, the poll will not be carried out and the "
" mode
will be practically disabled.