5-12 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
; error 102: can't delete
This error indicates that you attempted to delete an item that doesn't exist.
#show interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper
interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper
#no interface ethernet 0 address-serve helper
; error 102: can't delete
; error 103: incomplete command
This error indicates that you omitted a por tion of the command.
#interface ethernet 0 ip
; error 103: incomplete command
; error 104: ambiguous
This error indicates that you you didn't enter enough of the text of a keyword such that the keyword as entered
was ambiguous.
#sh cp 1 t
; error 104: ambiguous
#sh cp 1 tag
cp 1 tag "Profile 01"
; error 106: arp cache is full delete an entry to make room
This error indicates that you attempted to add an entr y to the global arp cache when it already contained the
maximum number of entries (16).