This section describes the LED designations.
Table 1. LEDs on the front panel
Solid green. The switch is powered on and operating normally.
Blinking green. The switch is booting.
Off. Power is not supplied to the switch.
Power LED
Off. Sufficient (more than 7W of) PoE power is available.
Solid yellow. Less than 7W of PoE power is available.
Blinking yellow. At least once during the previous two minutes, less than 7W of PoE
power was available.
(The status of the switch’s
PoE budget.)
Solid green. A valid 2.5 Gbps link is established.
Blinking green. The port is transmitting or receiving packets at 2.5 Gbps.
Solid yellow. A valid 1000 Mbps or 100 Mbps link is established.
Blinking yellow. The port is transmitting or receiving packets at 1000 Mbps or
100 Mbps.
Off. No port link is established.
Ports 1–8 left LED
Link, speed, and activity for
Ethernet ports 1 to 8
Off. The port is not delivering PoE power.
Solid green. The port is delivering PoE power.
Solid yellow. A PoE fault occurred.
Ports 1–8 right LED
PoE status for Ethernet ports
1 to 8.
Hardware Installation Guide
Hardware Overview
8-port Ultra60 PoE++ Multi-Gigabit (2.5G) Ethernet Plus Switch MS108EUP