A login window opens.
3. Enter the device management password.
The password is the one that you specified the first time that you logged in. The
password is case-sensitive.
The HOME page displays.
4. From the menu at the top of the page, select SETTINGS.
5. From the menu on the left, select ACCESS CONTROL.
The ACCESS CONTROL page displays.
6. Click the ADD button.
7. Specify the IP address or IP addresses:
IP Address. Enter a single IP address or a network IP address.
Enter a network IP address in the format x.x.x.0, for example,
Mask. If you enter a single IP address, enter as the mask. If
you enter a network IP address, enter as the mask.
8. Click the APPLY button.
Your settings are saved.
9. To enter more IP addresses, repeat the previous three steps.
HTTP and HTTPS management access
You can configure HTTP and HTTPS to allow management access to the switch's device
UI on a web browser. You can enable one or both options.
HTTP is the default, and is simpler to use. You can use HTTP to log in to the device
UI from within the same network subnet.
HTTPS is more secure, but requires a dedicated HTTPS port. You can enable this
option when you want to provide network administrators with remote management
access to the switch. You might want to generate an SSL certificate before you enable
HTTPS so that you can avoid seeing a browser security message every time you use
HTTPS to log into the device UI.
For each option, you can set the maximum time that a management login session can
remain idle before it times out, and set the maximum number of concurrent management
User Manual
Maintain and Monitor the Switch
Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switches