4. From the menu at the top of the page, select SWITCHING > QOS .
The Quality of Service (QoS) page displays.
5. If the selection from the QoS Mode menu is Port-Based, do the following to change
the selection to 802.1P/DSCP:
a. From the QoS Mode menu, select 802.1P/DSCP.
A pop-up warning window opens.
b. Click the CONTINUE button.
The pop-up window closes.
Note: For information about broadcast filtering, see Manage broadcast filtering
and set port storm control rate limits on page 27.
6. To set storm control rate limits, do the following:
a. Click the Storm Control Rate tab.
b. Click the arrow for the port number where you want to set a limit.
A list of options displays.
The default is No Limit.
c. Select the rate in Kbps or Mbps from the individual menu for the port.
d. Click the APPLY button.
Your settings are saved, and the Storm Control Rate column displays the limit
that you set.
Manage broadcast filtering and set port storm control rate
A broadcast storm is a massive transmission of broadcast packets that are forwarded
to every port on the switch. If they are not blocked, broadcast storm packets can delay
or halt the transmission of other data and cause problems. However, you can block
broadcast storms on the switch.
You can also set storm control rate limits for each port. Storm control measures the
incoming broadcast, multicast, and unknown unicast frame rates separately on each
port, and discards the frames if the rate that you set for the port is exceeded. By default,
no storm control rate limit is set for a port. You can select each storm control rate limit
as a predefined data transfer threshold from 512 Kbps to 512 Mbps.
User Manual
Optimize the Switch
Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switches