6. In the table in the right pane, click the VLAN that you want to make the voice VLAN
(you can click anywhere in the row for the VLAN).
7. Click the EDIT button.
8. In the Voice VLAN section, click the button so that the button bar display green.
The VLAN is selected to be set as the voice VLAN.
9. From the Class of Service menu, select a CoS value.
A value of 0 is the lowest priority and a value of 7 is the highest priority. The default
value is 6.
For information about viewing and changing the OUI settings, see Change the OUI
table for the voice VLAN on page 55.
10. Click the APPLY button.
Your settings are saved. The voice VLAN shows in the Advanced 802.1Q VLAN pane
with a telephone icon.
Change the OUI table for the voice VLAN
For the voice VLAN, the switch supports default Organizationally Unique Identifiers
(OUIs), which are associated with VoIP phones of specific manufacturers. All traffic
received on voice VLAN ports from VoIP phones with a listed OUI is forwarded on the
voice VLAN.
You can add, change, and remove OUIs, including the default OUIs. The maximum
number of OUI entries in the table is 15. The first 3 bytes of the MAC address contain
a manufacturer identifier, and the last 3 bytes contain a unique station ID. You must add
an OUI prefix in the format AA:BB:CC.
You can add a new OUI, change an existing OUI, and delete an OUI that you no longer
To change the OUI table for the voice VLAN:
1. Open a web browser from a computer that is connected to the same network as the
switch, or connected directly to the switch through an Ethernet cable.
2. Enter the IP address that is assigned to the switch.
A login window opens.
3. Enter the device management password.
The password is the one that you specified the first time that you logged in. The
password is case-sensitive.
The HOME page displays.
User Manual
Use VLANS for Traffic
Gigabit Ethernet Plus Switches