T E C H L I N E A S ™ D E S I G N G U I D E
NETAFIM @[email protected]
Line Flushing Valves are used to provide a cleansing action in the dripperline each time the
zone is turned on.
When a zone is turned on, the flush valve begins dumping water into a sump
(valve box).
The dumping of water
(additional flow)
allows the velocity of water inside the dripperline
to increase momentarily helping to clean the inside walls of the tubing and drip inlet
This action moves sediment out of the zone and into the sump.
Place one Automatic Line Flushing Valve at the furthest point in the drip system.
For GRID layouts this will typically be in the collecting manifold. On flat sites the
Automatic Line Flushing Valve can be installed in the middle of the collecting manifold
however in sloping sites the flushing manifolds should be installed at the lowest end.
For LITE layouts the Automatic Line Flushing Valve will be installed at the midpoint of
the tubing layout.
Use one Automatic Line Flushing Valve for each 45L/M of zone flow.
All Automatic Line Flushing Valves should be installed in a valve box with a gravel sump
adequate to drain approximately 4 litres of water.
Automatic Line Flushing Valve requires a minimum pressure of 70kPa (7m) to shut off
Allows for manual flushing of lines during system start-up and during season.
Manual Flushing Valves should be located at each end of the collecting manifold in a
GRID system.
Manual Flushing Valve should be located at the midpoint of a LITE layout.
Allow 1 second per metre of dripperline & poly pipe in the zone for as a general guide
for an adequate flush time.