T E C H L I N E A S ™ D E S I G N G U I D E
NETAFIM @[email protected]
Designing with Techline AS™ follows the same basic rules as designing with sprays
and rotors.
A point of connection
(water connection point)
must be established and its static and
operating pressure, flow rate and water quality recorded.
Identifying the type of plants that are to be irrigated and grouping plants with similar
water requirements
will ensure that maximum watering efficiency can be
Identifying the sites soil type, topography and micro climatic influences.
Obtain or draw a scaled plan of the site to be irrigated. Identify all slopes on the plan.
Identify the type of soil
(light, medium or heavy).
Determine the type of plants that are to be irrigated, turf, groundcover, shrubs, plants
and trees etc.
Mark any other points of interest that have a bearing in the systems design like areas
subjected to prolonged periods of shade, unusually high wear and tear, areas prone to
high wind, or areas that may be subjected to mechanical damage.
Type of water, potable
or non potable
(bore, grey or treated waste
water etc)
Pressure & volume available – static and operating tests
Record the water quality
(dirty water will require a higher level of filtration)
Water availability – is the water supply constantly available or does the supply vary.
Ensure that the appropriate back-flow prevention device is used.
Site Survey