Net To Net Technologies SIA2410R User Manual
Net To Net Technologies
Establishing WAN(SHDSL) Interface
The SIA2410R unit supports a single SHDSL connection. The SHDSL port is
referred to as the WAN interface.
Configuring the WAN (SHDSL) port
The SHDSL port supports multiple data rates as well as a rate-adaptive
mode. Also it can act as both a COE and a CPE. The SHDSL port
supports multiple line rates ranging from 72 kbps to 2320 kbps. In rate
adaptive mode line rate is negotiated to the highest achievable data
rate, given the loop conditions, and then locked when the line trains.
To control the SHDSL physical port, use the following commands:
[auto] <kbps>
gshdsl rt
interface name
unit type (COE or CPE), the default is CPE.
use rate adaptive mode
sets a line rate in kbps from 72 to 2320
64 x N + 8 + I x 8 , N=1~36 / I=0,1
Usage example
device wan gshdsl co 2320
device wan gshdsl rt
device wan gshdsl co auto 2320
Note :
Once the ‘rt’ option is used to set the unit as a CPE, it is automatically
set to adaptive mode (speed set by COE).