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Ensure your Nest Box is powered up (either by battery or
Set the Channel Switch on the Receiver to the channel number
indicated by the label on the top of the camera. On your TV
screen, you should see the base of the Nest Box and a finger or
pen if you poke it through the entrance hole. You should hear
through the TV if you tap the box. If you didn’t notice which
channel it was set to, simply move the switch in turn to each
of the 4 channels until you see the picture.
At this stage (ie before putting the box outside the house), it is
a good idea to check (and if necessary adjust) the camera an-
gle and focus, so that you get a good view of the bottom of the
nest box, and the focus is a few centimeters above the floor of the box.
Set up the Nest Box in the Garden
First find a promising location in your garden.
Nest Boxes are normally fitted (with the roof uppermost) to a tree or wall,
about 2 to 4 metres high from the ground. However, depending on the
situation, it is generally OK to fit the box higher. For further advice on
siting nest boxes, you may find it helpful to look at the RSPB web site:
It is generally best to place the box out of direct sunlight so it does not get
sun all day or too much wind and rain. This means that you could face it
to the North East or South East.
The Nest Box should be fitted in a position where it is close enough to the
Receiver so that you get a good picture. Although the nominal range is
100 metres, the actual range depends on a number of factors, particularly
including obstacles close to and in between the Nest Box and the Receiver,
such as walls and trees. If you are in any doubt as to the position, it may
be better to fix the Nest Box temporarily until you have checked the recep-
The Nest Box is designed to be fitted in most
situations with just 1 screw or nail, using the
concealed keyhole in the back of the box. Fit
the screw into the tree or wall first, and then
offer up the box onto the screw so that the
screw head goes through the lower part of the
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