Compilation Screen
Nero Burning ROM
Audio CD
Creates a standard Audio CD that can be played on all (audio)
CD players at least.
Mixed Mode CD
Creates a CD with data and audio files in a single session.
Usually a data file is followed by one or more audio files for in-
stance (e.g. soundtrack for PC games).
Older Audio CD players are often not capable of recognizing
the data file as such and attempt to play it.
Creates a multisession CD with audio and data files that are
stored in two sessions. The first session contains the audio files
and the second session the data.
Common CD players play the first session as Audio CDs. The
second session can only be used by PCs with a CD-ROM drive,
it cannot be 'seen' by a normal CD player.
Copying CDs/DVDs
Copies a source disc to a CD/DVD disc.
Video CD
Creates a CD that can play video and/or picture files on almost
all VCD and DVD players.
When burning the Video CD (VCD), Nero Burning ROM auto-
matically converts the files into the MPEG-1 format required by
the Video CD.
Super Video CD
Creates a CD that can play video and/or picture files on almost
all SVCD and DVD players. The resolution is higher than with
the VCD, and so the quality of the picture is usually better.
When burning the Super Video CD (SVCD), Nero Burning ROM
automatically converts the files to the MPEG-2 format required
by the Super Video CD.
Creates a CD that uses the specifications of a DVD. The mi-
niDVD has the same technical options and qualities as a DVD.
It can easily be played on a PC, whereas there is no guarantee
that it can be played in all DVD players.
You can use Nero Burning ROM to burn a miniDVD if the DVD
video title, i.e. a complete DVD folder structure, is already avai-
Creates a bootable CD.
Creates a data disc; all file types can be burned. The burned
data complies with the UDF standard.
Creates a data disc; all file types can be burned. The burned
data complies with the ISO and UDF standards.