Apex Display Module - Setup Guide
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Congratulations on your purchase of the AquaController Apex Display! The Apex Display features an
attractive, backlit graphic display and buttons to program and operate the AquaController Apex system and
to monitor the status of the aquarium.
The AquaController Apex Display should be securely mounted in a location free from moisture and easily
accessible to allow control and monitoring of the aquarium. Secure the Apex Display to a solid surface with
Velcro or using the screw keyholes on the back of the Apex Display (mounting hardware not included).
Mount the Apex Display above the water line of the aquarium.
Be sure to utilize a drip loop on the AquaBus cable.
WARNING: Water damage will void your warranty! Mount the Apex Display in a location safe from
moisture exposure.
The AquaController Display Module can display graphs, icons and multiple text sizes, all customizable by the
user. There are 7 operational buttons identified on the diagram below. Two contextual buttons (close to the
display) perform varying functions based on the description on the screen above the button. The 4 arrow
buttons perform up/down and left/right functions. The round button in the center of the arrows is the Select
button. The Apex Display can sound alarms with different tones or songs for different warning or error
The Apex Display can be configured with 4 different
Display Pages, each of which can be configured by the
user to display tank time, parameters (pH1, pH2, ORP,
Temp, etc.) as well as the status of outlets and alarms
that are most important to the user. Each of the
Display Pages can be uniquely configured with a few
parameters displayed in large characters or many
parameters in smaller characters. The AquaController
Apex system will automatically adjust the character
size to best utilize the display space. The location and
order of the status information on the Display Page is
completely customizable by the user. The AquaController Apex can be configured to automatically cycle
through displaying each Display Page or a single Display Page can be selected and manually scrolled by
pressing the left and right arrow keys on the Apex Display. Please see the AquaController Apex Installation
and getting started guide for more information on display programming and operation.
The AquaController Apex Display has a single, lightweight AquaBus cable that must be connected to an
AquaBus port on the AquaController Apex base unit, Apex EnergyBar or Apex accessory. The Apex Display
communicates with the Apex base module and receives power through the AquaBus connector. More than
one Apex Display can be used on an AquaController Apex system. There are no limitations on the order
AquaBus accessories can be connected or to which AquaBus ports accessories must be connected. The total