Version: 161017
Page | 17
OPERATION MANUAL Postmaster - 6000
Registration of rate:
In the rate menu all various rates are listed.
All rates have a rate number, description, different weight classes and prices.
To create a new rate:
Right click on the folder Rate.
A new window will appear.
Insert the rate number.
A rate number must
start with a P in front of the number.
Insert description of the rate.
This name will be shown on the rate button in the registration menu.
Set Rate group with the dropdown list.
Group rates in same column in registration menu.
Set Rate type with the dropdown list.
Back ground color when running this rate.
Set Rate button with dropdown list.
If many rates in the same rate group, rate button could be used to be able to group
more rates.
At max weight ranges, the maximum weights for the various postal boundaries are set.
Enter the first weight limit in grams, for example, 20 for 20gram or 100 to 100gram.
Insert price for this weight group.
If the price is 4.60 - this shall be entered as 4,60 with commas, no point.
Continue this procedure until all weight groups are registered.
If using price per kilo, the price per kg record should be used.
Click the left button on “save” button when all the information for this item is registered.
The new rate will now appear on the right side of the window.
If you want to check or change settings on the rate, double-click with the left button on the icon on
the item, the settings will be displayed.