v04 • 22.05.2017
Personal protective equipment
Never work without suited protective equipment:
• Do not wear loose-fitting clothes or jewellery, they could be caught by movable parts
( scarf, necklace etc. ).
• Hairnet in case of long hair
• Approved helmet in situations where head injury has to be expected
• Visor
• Ear protection
• Anti-slipping cut-proof boots (safety shoes) with steel- toes
• Fire extinguisher and spade (sparks may occur during working)
• First-aid material
• Mobile telephone if required
Safety instructions – before working
Carry out the following checks before the initiation and regularly during the working
process. Observe the relevant sections in the operating instruction manual:
• Is the device assembled completely and properly?
• Is the device in good and safe condition?
• Are the handles clean and dry?
• Before starting your work make sure that:
- no other persons, children or animals stay within the working area,
- you can always step back without any barriers,
- your standing area is free from foreign objects, brushwood and branches,
- you have always a secure standing position.
• Is workplace free of risks to stumble? Keep your workplace in an orderly condition!
Untidiness can result in accidents. ►Risk of stumbling.
• Take environmental influences into consideration:
- Do not work under insufficient light conditions (e.g. fog, rain, snow flurry or twilight).
- Do not use this machine near inflammable liquids or gases. ►Risk of fire!
- The operator is responsible for accidents or risks which occur to other persons or their