v04 • 22.05.2017
• Switch off device.
• Wait until the cutting device does not longer move.
• Remove the spark plug connector.
• Wear gloves.
After each fault clearance, put into operation and recheck all security installations.
Fault code
Possible cause
Corrective action
Motor does not
- Incorrect starting sequence
- Air filter contaminated.
- Fuel filter fouled
- No fuel supply
- Fault in the fuel line
- Cranking mechanism defective
- Engine flooded.
- Spark plug connector not
placed on.
- No ignition spark
- Engine defective.
- Carburettor defective
- Observe the correct starting sequence
- Clean or replace the air filter
- Clean or replace the fuel filter
- Fill the fuel tank
- Check the fuel line for kinks or damages
- Contact the customer service
- Screw off, clean and dry the spark plug.
Then pull the cranking rope several times and
reinstall the spark plug
- Place on the spark plug connector.
a) Clean or replace the spark plug.
b) Check the ignition cable.
c) Fault cannot be eliminated?
Contact the customer service
- Contact the customer service
- Contact the customer service
Engine starts and
is stalled
- Incorrect idle adjustment
- Contact the customer service
Chain saw
works with
- Carburretor incorrectly
Spark plug fouled
- Contact the customer service
- Clean or replace the spark plug
- Check the spark plug connector
- Incorrect fuel mixture
- Carburretor incorrectly adjusted
- Use two-stroke oil, ratio of mixture 40:1
- Contact the customer service