v04 • 22.05.2017
Do not fully pull out the cranking rope and slowly guide the cranking handle
back to make sure that the cranking rope is correctly wound up
• Repeat this operation until the engine starts.
• Put the choke lever (B) halfway back when the engine has started.
• The engine will idle when you release the throttle trigger.
Stopping the engine
Release the throttle trigger (D).
Put the ON/OFF switch to the position [ O ] OFF (STOP)
Starting with warm engine
• Set the choke lever (B) to ON.
• Press the throttle lever with the right hand.
• Pull the starter cable quickly and evenly with the left hand.
Let it slide back slowly after each pull
• Only use auger drills recommended by the manufacturer.
Pay attention to the max. diameter.
• Put your feet shoulder-width apart and firmly grasp the earth auger on both handles.
• Start the drilling with „half throttle“ and gradually increase the speed so that the drill
penetrates into the soil without any problems.
• Drill holes without exerting too much body weight on the auger. Allow the auger to
advance by its own weight.
• If the auger drill is jammed in the soil and cannot be pulled out, stop the engine and turn
the earth auger counterclockwisely.
• The clutch may still slip during the run-in time of approx. 2 operating hours.
Make sure that the clutch is free from oil or moisture.