Chapter 3 Operations of Performance Monitoring Function
(viii) Date Specification
Specify the target period of summarizing in a Year/Month/Day format (from starting date to end date). If the
starting date is omitted, all the days before the end date are set to be the target period of summarizing. The end
date cannot be omitted.
(ix) Relative
Select this function to specify the target period of summarizing in a relative period by regarding the current time
as the reference point.
(2) Operations with the Archiver command (iSMprfarc command)
Specify files, directory or option and execute Archiver. Archiver operates regardless of the iSM server process.
Archiver can be executed in any directory. The names of the summarized files output by Archiver are
automatically created in accordance with the naming convention for statistic information files.
Examples of execution of the Archiver will be provided below.
Example: Example of summarizing when a file is specified
Assume that the statistic information history file (20020401NECStorage4100.psl) on April 1, 2002
regarding “NECStorage4100” is located in the “C:\Program files\NEC\iSMsvr\etc\mon” directory.
To summarize this file and output a primary summarized file to the current directory, enter the
following command and execute it.
iSMprfarc “C:\Program files\NEC\iSMsvr\etc\mon\20020401NECStorage4100.psl”
As a result, the primary summarized file (20020401NECStorage4100.psa) on April 1, 2002 is created
in the current directory.
To specify a file name or directory name with a space, enclose it in double quotation marks.
Example: Example 1 of summarizing when a period is specified
Assume that the statistic information history files (20020401NECStorage4100.psl -
20020430NECStorage4100.psl) from April 1, 2002 to April 30, 2002 regarding “NECStorage4100”
are located in the “C:\Program files\NEC\iSMsvr\etc\mon” directory. Among all files in this
directory, if you want to summarize the statistic information history files from April 1, 2002 to April
15, 2002 and output primary summarized files to the same directory, enter the following command in
a directory and execute it.
iSMprfarc -p “C:\Program files\NEC\iSMsvr\etc\mon” -hour 20020401.20020415
As a result, the primary summarized files (20020401NECStorage4100.psa -
20020415NECStorage4100.psa) from April 1, 2002 to April 15, 2002 are created in the “C:\Program
files\NEC\iSMsvr\etc\mon” directory.
Example: Example 2 of summarizing when a period is specified
Assume that the statistic information history files (20010401NECStorage4100.psl -
20020331NECStorage4100.psl) from April 1, 2001 to March 31, 2002 regarding “NECStorage4100”
are located in the “C:\Program files\NEC\iSMsvr\etc\mon” directory. Among all files in this