Chapter 3 Operations of Performance Monitoring Function
A performance monitor server using older version software may not support some of the displaying functions. In
such a case, a graph frame only is displayed and graph lines are not displayed. For displaying graph lines, software
of the latest version is required.
(8) Showing Bar Graphs
Selecting [View]
[Bar Graph] menu on Numeric Table screen switches the screen to the Bar Graph screen.
The Bar Graph screen is capable of showing latest load states of seven monitoring items in bar-graph format.
Figure 3-8 shows an example of the display when the ports, and logical disks and physical disks are registered for
graph display.
Figure 3-8 Bar Graph Screen
The Bar Graph screen consists of the menu area and tool bar for performing various operations, the load status
display for showing the load status, the legend display area for showing the items displayed in Bar Graphs, and
the status bar for displaying the connection state.
The load status display area shows one item selected from the following monitored items.
I/O Density
Transfer Rate
Average Transfer Length