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- 本製品を正しく動作させるために -
本書及び「N8103-104A SAS コントローラ ソフトウェアユーザーズガイド」(添付 CD-ROM 媒体収
本体装置の PCI スロットにうまく本製品を取り付けられないときは、いったん本製品を取り外してから取
外部装置接続用 SAS ケーブルは他の IO 系のケーブルに比べ、太く硬い性質を持っています。本体装置
のケーブルアームに固定した場合、本製品に無理な力がかかり破損する恐れがあります。SAS ケーブル
ナンスのため本体装置をラックから引き出す際は、予め本製品から SAS ケーブルを取り外してから行な
Precautions on Use
- Operating this product properly -
The following precautions must be observed when using this controller. Ignoring these precautions while
using this controller will result in the destruction of assets (data and other devices).
Please observe the following.
This product is sensitive to static electricity. Please discharge any static electricity by touching a metal
object such as the metal frame of the computer before handling the product. Moreover, do not touch the
contacts of the product, or place the product on a desk.
Turn off the cellular phone or pager. Radio interference may cause malfunctions of this product.
Do not drop or hit the product. Doing so can lead to malfunction or failure.
Please read this manual and the "N8103-104A SAS Controller Software User's Guide" for SAS Driver,
and handle the product correctly.
Please read the user's manual of the computer before connecting this product. When connecting the
product, insert the product firmly into the PCI slot. If this product is not correctly connected to the PCI slot
of computer, remove the product and connect it again. Using excessive force can lead to damage.
An SAS cable for connecting to an external device is thicker and harder, compared to other IO system
cables. If this cable is fixed to the cable arm of this device, this product may be overloaded and damaged.
Do not fix an SAS cable to the cable arm, and form it not to bend it into a sharp angle. Also, when you
detach this device from the rack for maintenance, disconnect the SAS cable from this product