Express5800/ftServer: System Administrator’s Guide for the Linux Operating System
components, 2-6
documentation, 1-3, 4-8, 5-34
ftServer systems, 1-4
Linux operating system, 1-4
UNIX, 1-4
missing, 9-3
dumps, 7-13
system, 7-13
duplex, 8-31
LED indicator, 8-28
error log messages
keyboard, 9-6
mouse, 9-6
Ethernet configuration, 2-5
channel bonding, 5-28
MAC addresses, 5-31
naming Ethernet devices, 5-26
PCI adapters
adding, 5-30
testing Ethernet ports, 8-23
Express Service Network, 7-1
architecture, 1-1
optional software, 1-3
failed disk
replacing, 5-19
fault tolerance, 7-1
Express Builder
software, 1-3
hardened drivers, 5-1
hardware, 1-1
RAID disk arrays, 1-1, 5-9
file systems
availability, 5-9
RAID, 5-9
and upgrade procedure, 4-2
agents, 8-17
configuration files, 8-4
configuring, 8-2
for remote service management, 8-17
for Service Management, 8-6
description, 8-2
extensions, 8-15
GET operations, 8-32
installing, 8-1, 8-2, 8-3
inventory, 8-2
management commands, 8-9
managing, 8-18
MIBs, 8-11, 8-24
objects defined by, 8-12
prerequisites, 8-4
removing, 8-29
SET operations, 8-32
SRA-ftLinux-MIB, 8-26
subagents, 8-17
testing the configuration, 8-19
uninstalling, 8-29
upgrading, 8-3
verifying traps, 8-18
description, 8-2
initial testing, 8-29
description, 8-2
initial testing, 8-27
ftServer systems
documentation, 1-4
firmware, 3-1
system administration, 1-1
troubleshooting, 1-3, 9-1
Express Builder
operational states, 8-25
recovering from an upgrade, 4-8
restoring, 4-6
upgrading, 1-2
using, 1-3
firmware, 2-7
BIOS, 2-7
BMC, 2-7
drives, 2-5
updating, 2-2, 3-1, 3-5
floppy drives, 6-4
flow control of serial ports, 2-6
ftlSNMP, 8-1