Troubleshooting ftServer Systems
Chapter 9
Troubleshooting ftServer
This chapter discusses the following topics:
‘‘LED and Visual Diagnostics
‘‘LED and Visual Diagnostics
‘‘System Log Messages
This chapter provides information that will help you use available ftServer system and
Linux operating system features to diagnose system problems. In many cases, you will
be able to identify the source of the problem. If you cannot, contact the NEC
Corporation of America Customer Support Center or your authorized NEC service
LED and Visual Diagnostics
systems have a number of light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and
indicator lamps that can provide information of diagnostic value. For a complete
explanation of the location and interpretation of LEDs in your system, see the
troubleshooting chapter in the operation and maintenance guide for your system.
System Boot Problems
If you experience problems in booting the system, the following information may help
you diagnose the problem.
Normal Boot Sequence
Possible Boot Problems
Error and Log Messages Regarding Keyboard and Mouse
Also, refer to ‘‘
Booting in Linux Rescue Mode’’ on page 2-15
for a procedure to boot the
operating system after a failed installation.